Fear of Change
What makes us feel so uncomfortable when we find ourselves having to make changes in our
lives. Even if it is a change for the better, we hesitate. What are some of the reasons that we
find ourselves fearing change?
Changing our Mindset
The first thing we must do is observe our mindset about change. What do I think, feel, do and
say when confronted with change? Can we separate ourselves from our fear of change
sufficiently so we can see it more objectively? In the beginning this can be a struggle. Fear is
reactive. There is no conscious thought process when we are in fear. It is meant to motivate us
to take action in order to survive: fight, flight, freeze, total submission. So, our higher mind,
higher thinking is not activated. This is where we must learn to stop ourselves and ask ourselves
those questions that will allow us to separate ourselves from our fear enough to look deeper into
the reasons we unconsciously resorted to fear of the situation. Were you really in mortal danger?
Or did it just feel like it was life threatening?
How old did I feel when I felt the fear?
Fear originates in the formative years of our lives, long before we have a concept of what it is or what is happening or how to understand the event. We have no power, choice, or control to change the circumstances, so we resort to primal survival: shut down, dissociate, or try to manipulate ourselves into think we are “bad” and deserve what is happening, that it is all our fault. None of this is true. We were being physically controlled, mentally manipulated, and emotionally
discounted to a point that we felt our very life was threatened. This is the reaction of a child who
has no idea how to protect him/herself from those experiences. But if we don’t begin to
recognize how much of our lives is still being controlled by those experiences we will never
come to realize the truth of who we are: we are children of the Creator. The Creator does not make junk. We were born from unconditional love. As adults, we must recognize that and begin to search for the truth of who we are, not what happened to us.
We must being to perceive, not just observe, who we are at the core of our being. We can change. It may be frightening to think we really are good, wonderful, loving people who just had to take a detour to be able to see what we are not, in order to discover who we truly are. And, We must learn to enjoy life, not just endure it.